Gérald Forey : "tenacity, resilience and engagement are values that resonate strongly with me" - Dons - Frères des Hommes

This year again, on September 1st, I will be one of the 2,300 participants to take on the 170km-around-the-Mont-Blanc race (details here)

The tally so far:
2014: finisher in 43.5 hours,
2015, 2016: non-finisher (not for lack of trying).

So 2017 will be an all-important rendezvous, it’s all about persistence and engagement!

This year again I am supporting Frères des Hommes in their continuous effort to fight poverty across the world. Their core approach consists in identifying and empowering local partners to promote durable solutions covering areas such as sustainable farming, education, women’s rights. Their tenacity, resilience and engagement are values that resonate strongly with me, and I am sure, with you as well.

As always, thank you for your generosity

This donation campaign is closed.

If you want to donate, please visit our donation site.

Our team is available to answer all your questions

Any question? Any information you want to provide?
Please feel free to contact us; we would be delighted to hear from you !

Rigour and transparency

As an association that is authorized to receive donations, life insurancies and legacies, Frères des Hommes is subject to several controls that guarantee the quality of its management and the transparency of its communication.
Our accounts are audited and certified by an independent auditor; we are subject to control by the French Court of Audit; we adhere to le Comité de la Charte du don en confiance [the Committee of the Charter for Trust in Fundraising], which is a French body of ethical conduct for associations that rely on the generosity of donors.

In 2019, 81% of our expenditure was dedicated to social missions. All annual reports are publicly and permanently available on our site.

Are you a tax payer in France? Benefit from a tax reduction of 66% on your donation!

If you are a taxpayer in France, you can benefit from a tax reduction of 66% on your donation to Frères des Hommes as long as it is within 20% of your net taxable income.

The donations raised will be allocated to the actions that are identified as most important by Frères des Hommes.

Security and trust

This site is 100% secure. All payments that take place on the Frères des Hommes’ website are done through 3D, a secure and professional payment system.


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